Puget Sound Senior Games Logo

Puget Sound Senior Games Presents the...

 Washington State Senior Games

Mission Statement. The Senior Games is a nonprofit organization made up of volunteers in our community. The purpose of the games is to keep seniors healthy and productive. Participation in the Senior Games is a year-round effort to enhance wellness. We encourage all seniors to get off the couch and exercise your body and your mind. Join us for all the fun and fellowship of some friendly competition. Sign up with a friend and start training today at your local YMCA, health club, fitness center or in your own home. John Vlastelica, Senior Games Volunteer.

*** The very successful 2001 Games have ended.  A great big thanks and congratulations to each and every participant.  We will have all the 2001 results up on this web site very soon.  Until then Click Here to see a partial list courtesy of the Olympian. 

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Benefits of Fitness

Die Hards Track Club

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2000 Events Results

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Inspirational speaker, Doug Heir is the world's most decorated athlete, with more than 200 gold medals in track & field.

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Golfers! Sign Up Today,

Friday, July 27th Your Chance to Win a Gold, Silver or Bronze Medal.
Washington State Senior Games 2001, July 26-29, Thurston County, Washington.

We are busy preparing for what we feel will be one of the best over-age-50 athletic events ever! As many of you already know, the Puget Sound Games has been given the opportunity to host the Washington State Senior Games this year. We will endeavor to present 17 various sports—from Archery to Track and Field—and everything in-between!

To help motivate you in preparing for the Games and to start (or continue) exercising on a regular basis, we are offering a Washington State Senior Games "Athlete in Training" Shirt shown here. Also comes in Navy Blue. Shirts are  $10.00 each plus $1.50 for shipping and handling. Call 360-413-0148 for information on how to obtain your  shirt. 
"Almost Twins" John 55 years old,  Joins with Margurette 103 years young,  to proudly display their "Athlete In Training" shirts.

Many exciting things are already in place and we have plans for many more. The date for the Games has been set for July 26–29, 2001. Mark it on your calendar now! They will be held at venues around Olympia, WA. The event headquarters for this year’s games will be St. Martins College; however, "Home of the 2001 Senior Games" will be The Valley Athletic Club, which will host many of the 17 events. We have partnered with various community organizations to assist in providing quality events for everyone. The supporters include the YMCA, the Area Agency on Aging, Providence St. Peter Hospital, Capital Volksmarching Club, and Thurston County Fitness and Nutrition Coalition.

There will be more social events accompanying the Games this year. A celebration dinner will be held at the Worthington Center (St. Martins College), a barbecue will take place on Saturday at the North Thurston High School Track, a free non-competitive walk and a "Walk of Honor" for those over 90 years old, will open the event. We have a person born in 1897 committed to participate, and two other possibilities. If you know of anyone age 90 + that you think might enjoy participating in a "Walk (or Stroll) of Honor" let us know!

We really want this to be a celebration of health for everyone over 50, regardless of their skill or fitness level. We are also encouraging everyone to try new sports and activities this year. Everyone benefits when folks are willing to try something for the first time. We also want to honor our elderly, and encourage them to keep getting up "off the couch" and participate! We especially want those 50-60 year-olds (non-"elderly") to incorporate more play in their lives. For many, it has been way too long since establishing the healthful habit of play!

The Puget Sound Games is a registered non-profit organization that relies on individual and corporate financial contributions to provide these games. If you wish to contribute to the future of this over age 50 athletic competition, send your tax deductible donation to our address listed below! Thank You,  Dan Donahue President.

Puget Sound Senior Games
P.O. Box 1487
Olympia, WA 98507-1487



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