Team roster must be completed by the team manager
and sent in with entry fee:
by June 28th for the O/60's
by July 5th for the O/50's, O/65's, O/70's and O/75's
Send roster and check to Lew Keller at
5731 58th Ln NW, Olympia, WA 98502.
All players must be able to show proof of age at check-in.
Teams must have a minimum of 10 players and a maximum of 20 team members.
Teams must be of one gender.
Teams must provide their own bats, gloves and practice balls. Game balls and
bases are provided.
The tournament will use a round robin format for
each age group if possible.
SSUSA rules will be used.
Major exception is progressive Home Run Rule:
May only have two home runs more than opponent.
Violation is a dead ball single, all runners get one base.
Every effort will be made to provide teams a minimum of
5 games. (Three on Saturday and two on Sunday)
The sport commissioner reserves the right to change the tournament format
for any age division based on the number of entries, space restrictions, or other
Neither metal cleats or hard plastic molded spikes
are allowed.
Team clothing must be of like design and color. Shirts must be numbered on at
least one side.